Manufacturing is coming back

We are seeing a reverse globalization effect, manufacturing jobs are coming back to the West. And this because there are several benefits of having production in proximity to the R&D and close to the end consumers. You get quick feedback, and you are able to tweak product design and manufacturing appropriately and in a faster way. And innovation in manufacturing and hardware can be transmitted back to product design for evolution and vice versa.

The recent news is that Apple and Lenovo will bring some manufacturing production in the USA:

Reuters: Apple to return some Mac production to U.S. in 2013,  WSJ  Apple CEO Says Mac Production Coming to U.S.,  New York Times In Shift of Jobs, Apple Will Make Some Macs in U.S.

excellent article of Chris Anderson, Mexico: The New China

Some recent articles on this topic:
The Atlantic Mr. China Comes to America

The Atlantic  The Insourcing Boom

my previus blog post on the topic  Why we need manufacturing and the consequences of outsourcing