The Nokia beta labs homepage has just been created. The scope is to provide novel applications for the mobile domain and get feeback from users.
There are only a few applications at the moment but some worth a try. For example, the Sport tracker has been ideated at the Nokia Research Center and now it has found a place to show how mobile devices can be used for many different purposes. You can export your training session routes in kml format and open them with Google Earth!
The idea of Sport tracker can ulteriorly be extended by adding services and/or additional sensors. For example, we could use wireless (Bluetooth) heart monitors like in Betelgeuse or we could add external third party services, like the Polar Personal Trainer.
In Nokia devices, you can write applications using J2ME, Python, and Symbian C++. Mobile devices can use external web services using simple HTTP GET and POST methods following the REST architectural style.
In summary, the possibilities in the area of mobile applications and services are infinite, only our creativity is needed.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it, Alan Kay