Mobile Internet becoming a reality?

In a press release of March 16,  titled Mobile Internet Becoming A Daily Activity For Many ComScore reported that the number of people using their mobile device to access news and information on the Internet more than doubled from January 2008 to January 2009. Among the audience of 63.2 million people who accessed news and information on their mobile devices in January 2009, 22.4 million (35 percent) did so daily; more than double the size of the audience last year.

TechCrunch reports that the iPhone Makes Up 50 Percent of Smartphone Web Traffic In U.S., Android Already 5 Percent.

Beware, these data and statistics are only about the US market, but they clearly show that more and more people are accessing the Internet using mobile devices.  Furthermore, developers can now create their applications on these platforms in an easier way and publish them online. I am sure we will see very interesting applications taking advantage of the fact that mobile devices can lead to location-based applications and services.

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