Web traffic analysis and the power of Google

I have created a personal home page recently and I use Google Analytics to monitor the traffic on my website (just for curiosity). Well, I have been surprised to have had visitors coming from all around the world. See below a screenshot of the geo-map:

geo map visitors

And 36% of the traffic in February has come from Google, or better, from results produced by a Google search. See the snapshot below:

visits by source

They searched for “christian del rosso”, “christian del-rosso”, “christian del rosso nokia”, “delrosso”. They came for US, Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Belgium using a Google search with my name. Unfortunately from the web traffic I cannot know “why” they were looking for me. However, in same cases it would be possible, for example when they look for “christian del rosso conference papers”.

Another interesting thing to note is that nobody used a search engine different than Google.

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